Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Java read file txt

We want to read a txt file, first, use notepad to create a txt file, save it with UTF-8 Encoding.

Create a folder name raw, copy file txt in to it.

In class, we need a textView to show, name it tv.
Copy this lines below findViewById.
InputStream in = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.tho);
     byte[] buffer = new byte[in.available()];
     while ( != -1);
     String jsontext = new String(buffer);

   catch (IOException e)
             //return null;
Press Ctrl+Shift+O to import libraries.

Run to see the result.

Now we want to read file to lines, add them in to an array.
Declare an arraylist.
ArrayList<String> ar = new ArrayList<String>();
Replace the codes above by this lines.
String line = "";
     try {
InputStream  In = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.tho);
               InputStreamReader inputReader = new InputStreamReader(In);
               BufferedReader BR = new BufferedReader(inputReader);
     while ((line = BR.readLine()) != null) {

} catch (IOException e) {
Here we read file to an array and set the third line to textView.

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