Create a new class
name five.
Type these lines.
public static void main(String args[]) {
int so=0;
System.out.println("Integer number is: "+so);
int c=10+so;
System.out.println("Sum result is: "+c);
Run to see result.
We cast a String to
number, if for some reason, we can’t do this and get an error, programme will
Add text to string want to cast, for example,
“88a”, run and see.
Eclipse show exception
To avoid this, Java
use try catch to prevent programme from crash.
Add try catch to that
public static void main(String args[]) {
int so=0;
number is: "+so);
catch (Exception e) {
when cast string to number");
int c=10+so;
result is: "+c);}
When we run, programme
print the line “Sum result is: 10”, and the error notification we type before.
This different
with there no try catch, programme can’t print anything.
When command in try get error, comand in catch run, other codes outside
try catch run normally.
Remove text add to
cast string, run again.
In Android, if codes
need try catch, it will recommend we to add.
But sometime we have
to add ourself, for example, get year from Edittext, if user enter invalid
number, we use try catch to inform them.
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