Copy in to Playground
func show(){
print("This is example text")
class example{
func multiply(a:Int, b:Int)->Int{
let c=a*b
return c
Run to see
the text "This
is example text"
example done nothing here.
Add these
line to Playground.
var obj = example()
let so=10
let so2=12
We ‘ve just create and use object.
The line var obj = example() create object obj of class example.
Connect object with
method in class by a dot, we can access any method in class.
When we make app, if
need to use a method in many class, we don’t need to copy method to all class,
just create an object of holder class and we can use any method inside it.
Create new
class name example2
class example2{
func sum(a:Int,_ b:Int)->String {
let c=a+b
return"Result is " + String(c)
var obj2 = example2();
Object is
the way we use a class, try to create other method and access them by use object.
Now you can understand what is a
class, it open with class ClassName{ end
with }
That ‘s very simple and easy. Don’t
just read definitions in programme books, let code something and you will
understand all concepts.
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